Sunday, November 15, 2009

f-stop 4.0, shutter speed 1/400, ISO 200

Life In HD

Gary Neeley helps illustrate how life is sometimes viewed within the context of television reality. I wanted the base picture to show this reality as both mundane and vivid in comparison to actual perceived reality.
To get the effect of light coming out of a TV, I draped a Dance Dance Revolution game pad over a large screen TV, white side facing the strobe. I set the strobe to half power and let it fly. Taking multiple pictures both horizontal and vertical allowed me to vary the picture-in-picture mirror look. To achieve the surreal atmosphere I adjusted unsharp mask levels. I also added stylistic effects like film grain to the second and third screens.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

f-stop 4.0, shutter speed 1/60, ISO 800
Pete Naiukow poses indifferently on his balcony patio. I set the strobe inside the house looking out onto the patio through the sliding glass door. I taped two pieces of green plastic to the strobe to achieve the lime ambiance. I fixed Pete's color in photoshop, but left the green background deep and saturated.

f-stop 6.3, shutter speed 1/125, ISO 200
Pete Naiukow and his wife Jen stand serenely in front of a pond behind Naiukow's parents house in Houghton Lake, Michigan. The overcast weather provides a unique oppurtunity to contrast Pete and Jen against the forboding sky overhead. I set up one strob to camera right, zoomed as wide as possible, with a yellow plastic bag covering the bulb to warm up the light.